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Then. Now. When. Video Series
An Educational Experience
For Leaders Closing the Racial Equity Gap
Transform your leadership practice to one that embraces racial equity as you seek to understand your role in creating a different future. Highlighting the stories and experiences of Black Americans, the Then. Now. When. Video Series gives leaders a foundation in history, an understanding of local issues, encourages brave conversations, and inspires meaningful action.
The self-guided Then. Now. When. Video Series is made up of seven modules. Each module focuses on a particular topic, conveyed through readings, videos, and music. Modules include Setting the Stage, Capitalism, Healthcare, Wealth Gap, Undemocratic Democracy, Mass Incarceration, and Taking Action. The live series was recorded in early 2021 and was adapted to video for use in work teams, faith groups, book clubs, service clubs, or experienced on your own.
How you’ll do it:
- Then. You will use the video series along with The New York Times’ 1619 Project, created by Iowa native and New York Times journalist, Nikole Hannah-Jones, as well as other resources to look at our history through the critical lens of chattel slavery – the practice of enslaving people to be bought and sold. Lean into your discomfort to gain an understanding of how this practice created systems of oppression.
- Now. Learn from experts from Iowa and across the country about the beliefs and systems of oppression that continue to exist in Greater Des Moines. Prepare for the picture of our community’s issues to become clearer.
- When. You will be challenged to identify how you can use your personal and professional influence to intentionally help our community close the racial equity gap. Make a commitment to turning when into our new now.
What you'll receive:
- Online access to all 13 Then. Now. When. videos, including discussion prompts throughout.
- Access to national and local expert commentary via the videos.
- Links to readings and resources that complement the videos.
- Participant guide and journal prompts. The guide includes instructions for participating as a group or solo.
- A one-of-a-kind racial equity tool that focuses on Greater Des Moines' issues.
How to Access:
- Register via the link below.
- If using in a group setting (worksite, faith-based group, book group, etc.), only one person needs to register. The participant guide and video access code can be shared with learning group participants.
- Contribute an optional donation* to support continued programming by the Leadership Institute.
*This program was funded by the generosity of sponsors and developed by volunteers. The registration fees listed are suggested donation amounts. We ask that you consider a donation to make continued racial equity programming possible via our mission-driven non-profit organization.
Participant Reflection in a Word

Thank you to the Then. Now. When. sponsors!